My journey started just over a year ago. it was a journey I'd never wanted to take, a journey that someone this age shouldn't have to take. It was a journey into the unknown.
On August 10th 2021 the love of my life. My wife Katie Sanford entered into eternity. I was left being a single father and trying to make sense of a seemingly senseless situation. Somehow, I need to continue with my then 9-year-old son. It was a difficult path, but over the past year I've come to appreciate many things, the first and foremost is the power of community. I was at a crossroad I could live and dwell in the dark place or I could make a choice. With the help of friends, I chose to traverse into the unknown and embrace the life we now had.
During the first few months I found myself surrounded by great friends and colleagues and acquaintances I didn't even have to think about cooking for nearly two months. I just needed to take care of my boy as we reflected and sought God for what was next.
At some point last fall I came across an advertisement for life coaching with the Ziglar community. I was impressed. I decided to invest to myself to become a Ziglar certified coach using the Choose to Win Coaching System.
What I Choose to Win and how can I help someone traverse into an area of life an unknown area? Anyone can achieve success in all areas of life. Choose to Win will help make that possible by replacing a bad habit with a good habit. When you say it out loud, replacing your bad habits with good habits seems simple enough. Then again saying you will enjoy greater success this year also seems realistic. That's the rub saying you're going to do something is easy. It’s actually doing it that requires planning and a program. Replacing bad habits with good habits is the fastest way to achieve success but even that requires effort and a willingness to change. Two aspects people often overlook anyone can watch change, only a few do what it takes to make it happen. Choose to Win is 12 sessions of coaching. It’s simple to implement. It helps people understand the sequence of success and the foundational difference between those who want to change their life and those who actually do change their lives. It's a sequence of success anyone can achieve.
Today nearly a year after I started down an unknown path, I want to announce but I am launching my coaching business and a website in hopes of helping others traverse into the unknown. I am happy to offer the Choose to Win Program over 12 sessions. It can be either a weekly or biweekly commitment. If you want more information, please contact me I'll be happy to walk with you into your unknown and into your future.
In closing I want to end with a quote by Zig Ziglar, “ Don't let others be your judge and jury with their pity and negative thoughts or feelings. Know that you are here for a reason. Recognize, develop, and use the resource is you have. Others see the surface; you know the heart.”. I would be happy to walk alongside of you, to challenge you, and to help you become the person you were created to be.